CPPREP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice

To apply for unrestricted registration to work in both Sales and Property Management you must complete 18 Units of Competency from the new CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice.  If you plan to one day become a Licensed Real Estate Agent and operate your own agency, you will need to do this course first.

You will learn the personal and legislative requirements of professional practice in real estate, including a thorough understanding of the business structures, regulatory framework, code of conduct as well as professional practice standards, employment opportunities and communication strategies and resolving complaints.

Learn about working ethically in real estate and understand the standards required, including minimising financial and reputational risk to yourself, your client and the agency by following consumer protection requirements contained within the Code of Conduct.
Learn about the legislative framework, structure and impact of legislation in real estate work, how to interpret legislation and maintain currency.
Gain an understanding of the methods of marketing and communicating and learn the types, value and purpose of different communication strategies as well as developing a personal profile for marketing and communication purposes.

Learn about agency trust accounts, terminology, legislation governing the operation of trust accounts and common inaccuracies in trust account transactions.

Learn about appraisal methods and the appropriate type for different situations, research and analysis of property market conditions and attributes as well as various appraisal reports and presentation methods.
Understand the appraisal report, negotiate a marketing plan, prepare marketing materials, implement the marketing plan, identify target markets, review and report on the marketing plan and it’s effectiveness.
Learn the scope of landlord requirements as well as understanding the agreement with the landlord to provide property management services and maintaining the relationship including keeping records of interactions with landlords.
Learn about establishing details and profiles of potential tenants, matching them with properties, lease preparation and sign up, aligning landlord and tenant expectations, managing relationships and maintaining records of interactions.

Learn the available sale methods, presenting property for sale, negotiating sales between the vendor and buyer and facilitating the completion of the sale contract.

Learn the scope of landlord requirements as well as understanding the agreement with the landlord to provide property management services and maintaining the relationship including keeping records of interactions with landlords.

Learn about establishing details and profiles of potential tenants, matching them with properties, lease preparation and sign up, aligning landlord and tenant expectations, managing relationships and maintaining records of interactions.

Learn about the day to day management of a property including rent payments, managing arrears, breach notices, routine inspections, property condition reports, repairs and maintenance, lease renewals and rent increases.

This covers all aspects of ending a tenancy including when a tenancy may be ended, final bond inspections, processes and documentation to end agreements, processes to re-let the property and issues that may arise from termination of the tenancy agreement.

Learn the purpose and types of trust accounts, receipts, payments, deposits, bank reconciliations, maintaining trust account records and end of month procedures.

Learn the purpose and types of trust accounts, receipts, payments, deposits, bank reconciliations, maintaining trust account records and end of month procedures.

Learn about negotiating the terms and conditions of the sale of different commercial properties including the execution of sale documentation and monitoring contract settlements as well as in tenanted properties, facilitating the lease arrangements.

This is about working with potential lessees to assess their suitability and obtain agreement to lease terms and conditions according to lessor instructions.  It includes lease document preparation and administration, approvals, payments and negotiating with both parties to formalise the lease agreement.

Once you enrol and pay the fee, you will have 12 months to complete the course and the assessments.  Because you are learning online, you are completely free to work at your own pace to complete all the work required.  As you finish each unit and hand in your assessments, you can then move onto the next unit.

The unrestricted online Cert IV in Real Estate Practice is only $1700.  An initial payment of $900 is required at enrolment with the balance of $800 required after you have completed 7 units.

Each unit has lots of training resources to help you along the way, including manuals, videos, examples and case studies.  As you work through each unit there are some ‘practice’ assessments to help you develop your knowledge and understanding.  Once you have finished the content there are some final assessments for you to complete and upload to our Learning Management System.  Our assessor will review your assessments and deem you competent or not competent and give you feedback when required.

Each unit has lots of training resources to help you along the way, including manuals, videos, examples and case studies.  As you work through each unit there are some ‘practice’ assessments to help you develop your knowledge and understanding.  Once you have finished the content there are some final assessments for you to complete and upload to our Learning Management System.  Our assessor will review your assessments and deem you competent or not competent and give you feedback when required.

Once you have completed all required 18 units of competency you can then apply to DMIRS to be registered


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